
  開催日 時間 会場 演題
65 2016/4/7 10:00-11:30 工学研究科A1-141 High-Speed Template Matching Algorithms and Its Applications / Yang Hua, School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University
66 2016/4/27 14:35-16:05 国際協力研究科204 号室 1. “Housing in Mumbai: Trade- offs between accessibility, affordability and informality” / Arnab Jana, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
2. “Urban Transformation in Ahmedabad City” / Prem Pangotra, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
67 2016/5/18 16:20-17:50 国際協力研究科204 号室 A reconciled estimate of 20th century global mean sea-level rise / –Ing. Sönke Dangendorf, University of Siegen, Germany
68 2016/5/27 17:00-18:30 国際協力研究科203号室 International Survey on Subjective Analysis / Shunsuke Managi, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
69 2016/6/10 16:20-17:50 たおやかクラスルーム 東広島市小谷地域における太陽光発電スマートビレッジパーク構想
1. 東広島市・農村地域まちづくりの現状と課題について / 加栗建男(小谷地区まちづくり協議会)
2. 太陽光発電の技術と地域振興 / 伊達義明(小谷地区まちづくり協議会)
3. 集いのビレッジパーク小谷 / 餘利野直人(広島大学工学研究科)
70 2016/6/28 15:00-17:00 国際協力研究科小会議室 1. Nutritional security and health benefits of ethnic foods in India and Nepal / Jyoti Prakash Tamang, School of Life Sciences, Sikkim University
2. Methods of fish preservation for nutrition in Nepal and India / Namrata Thapa Tamang, Department of Zoology, Sikkim University
71 2016/7/15 15:00-17:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 ICT-based Development for Disadvantaged Regions / Yinhai Wang, University of Washington,
72 2016/7/14 15:00-16:30 国際協力研究科大会議室 Land and food security question in Nepal
Can civil society initiatives be helpful in changing the situation? / Suresh Dhakal, Kyoto University
73 2016/7/6 16:20-17:50 工学研究科B3-108 On going Projects at BITS Pilani (Considering Social, Industrial and Futuristic Challenges) / Karunesh Kumar Gupta, Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering BITS, Pilani
74 2016/8/5 16:30-18:00 国際協力研究科小会議室 The displacement effect of convenience: the case of recycling / Shasikanta Nandeibam, Department of Economics, University of Bath
75 2016/9/5 14:35-16:05 工学研究科A1-141 See the Unseen: Computational Visual Sensing and Display at High Speed / 渡辺義浩(東京大学情報理工学系研究科システム情報学専攻)
76 2016/9/12 14:35-16:05 工学研究科A1-141 Holographic display and super multi-view display / 高木康博(東京農工大学大学院工学研究院)
77 2016/9/14 10:30-12:00 工学研究科A1-141 High-speed Dexterous Manipulation System / 並木明夫(千葉大学大学院工学研究科機械系コース)
78 2016/9/29 16:30-18:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 What kind of competition matters? Oil prices, concentration, and airfares / Volodymyr Bilotkach, Newcastle University, 広島大学客員教授
79 2016/10/4 12:50-14:20 文学研究科大会議室 Rural restructuring in developing countries: Theory and practice / Hualou LONG, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
80 2016/10/17 16:30-18:30 国際協力研究科 204号室 Airport structure, governance and strategy: effects on performance / Juergen Mueller, Berlin School of Economics and Law
81 2016/11/4 14:35-16:05 国際協力研究科 201号室 Beach Management and Background Erosion Control against Climate and Human-induced Changes / Jung Lyul Lee, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea
82 2016/11/18 14:35-16:05 総合科学研究科第1会議室 IBMの技術戦略とグローバル企業での働き方 -for future leaders- / 片岡利枝子(日本IBM株式会社東京研究所)
83 2016/10/28 12:50-14:20 国際協力研究科大会議室 Post Vietnam War: Rebuilding Bridges after Devastation / Le Ly Hayslip, Author of the Director Oliver stone Movie “Heaven and Earth
84 2016/11/10 16:30-18:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 A comparative empirical analysis of the determinants of initiation of integrated reporting practices in Japanese and UK listed companies: the view of voluntary disclosure theory or legitimacy theory? / 西谷公孝(神戸大学経済経営研究所 )
85 2016/11/21 16:20-17:50 総合科学研究科K棟204 Cruise Tourism in a Remote Small Island – High Yield and Low Impact? / Joseph M. Cheer, Monash University
86 2016/11/29 12:50-14:20 文学研究科大会議室 The meaningful construction of geographical realities. From spatial science to action-centered research / Benno Werlen, The International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU)
87 2016/11/29 14:35-16:30 工学研究科A1-141(中会議室) Research progress of the CMOS image sensor
1.High-definition, high dynamic range, low power CMOS Image sensor / Wang Hui, Shanghai Advanced Reaserch Institute, Chinese Academy of Ciences
2.Study on the ultra-low power CMOS image sensor for wearable applications / Zhang Qi,  Shanghai Advanced Reaserch Institute, Chinese Academy of Ciences
3.Research on the high sensitivity CMOS image sensor for digital PCR / Tian Li, Shanghai Advanced Reaserch Institute, Chinese Academy of Ciences
88 2016/12/5 14:35-16:05 工学研究科A1-141(中会議室) Human-Computer & Brain-Computer interfaces for Multi-model Interaction / Jagdish Lal Raheja, CSIR-CEERI
89 2016/12/13 14:35-16:05 工学研究科A1-141(中会議室) Research for Understanding and Improving Human Neuromotor Capabilities / 篠原 稔, Georgia Institute of Technology
90 2016/12/14 10:30-12:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 Customisation of Solar Power Plant / Rajeev Gyani, Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA)
91 2016/11/24 16:30-17:30 工学研究科A1-141(中会議室) Recent Research Activities in IIEST / Hafizur Rahaman, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India
92 2016/12/16 17:00-18:30 国際協力研究科大会議室 The Impact of Marriage Dissolution on Children’s Education Outcome: The Case of Mexico / 河内幾帆, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
93 2016/12/19 9:00-10:30 工学研究科A1-141(中会議室) 1. The Agent-based Diffusion Model on a Combined Social Network for Marketing, Health and Education / 倉橋節也(筑波大学大学院ビジネス科学研究科)
2. Real-coded Evolutionary Computation for Black-box Optimization / 小野功 (東京工業大学 情報理工学院)
94 2017/1/18 16:20-17:50 文学研究科B251 What does Empowerment Mean? ~from 10-years-experience of projects in South India / 前川香子, ムラのミライ
95 2017/1/11 8:45-10:15 工学研究科A1-141(中会議室) Technology Selection and Human Resource Readiness related to Technology Transfer / Iwan Inrawan Wiratmadja, Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Industrial Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung
96 2017/2/14 14:35-16:05 たおやかクラスルーム A new maintenance technology of railway track in Japan/ Gaku Ehara, JR West
97 2017/2/15 17:00-18:30 IDEC Room 405 Mental Health Cost of Terrorism: Study of the Charlie Hebdo Attack in Paris / Young-Il Albert Kim, SOGANG UNIVERSITY
98 2017/2/17 10:30-12:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 Built environment and travel behavior: Validation and application of a continuous-treatment propensity score stratification method / Giancarlos Troncoso Parady, 東京大学 工学部 都市工学科
99 2017/2/17 16:00-17:30 国際協力研究科 204号室 Is the idea of the thing in the thing itself?: The ethics of technology transfer and “onsite reverse innovation” / Andrew Oberg(高知県立大学)
100 2017/2/27 14:30-16:00 工学研究科A1-111 High-speed Visual Tracking with Application to Projection Mapping / 鏡慎吾(東北大学大学院情報科学研究科)
101 2017/3/1 16:30-18:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 An Industrial-Organization Approach to Mondy and Banking / 郡司大志(大東文化大学)
102 2017/2/28 15:00~16:30 工学研究科105講義室 Internet of Things and Their Applications for morning Infrastructure and Health Prediction / Kota Slomon Raju, CSIR-CEERI
103 2017/3/14 16:00-17:30 国際協力研究科大会議室 Devotion and Development: Religiosity, Education, and Economic Progress in 19th-Cen tury France / Mara Squicciarini, Department of Economics, Northwestern University
105 2017/3/29 16:30-18:00 国際協力研究科大会議室 Port competition with congestion and accessibility: An interpretive review of recent research / Yulai Wan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
106 2017/3/29 18:00-19:30 国際協力研究科大会議室 Evaluating the Energy Savings Effect of a Utility Demand-Side Management Program using a Difference-in-Difference Coarsened Exact Matching Approach / Richard Boampong, Department of Economics, Florida State University

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