MAHARJAN, Shree Kumar

MAHARJAN, Shree Kumar

 Department:Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Division of Educational Development and Cultural and Regional Studies
 Course: Cultural Creation Course
 Research Field:Climate change and cultural adaptation 
 Supervisor: Prof. MAHARJAN, K. L.

Career and Academic Background before TAOYAKA Program

I completed a Masters in Agriculture, specializing ‘Conservation Ecology’ from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal. I have more than 8 years of professional work experience from national to regional levels, especially on climate change adaptation, local adaptation, community based management and participatory approaches, natural resources management, agritourism and community based tourism, community seed bank, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, forest rights, women rights and gender issues, Human rights issues, monitoring and evaluation, and other issues.

Research Plan in TAOYAKA Program

My plan is to carry out research on factors affecting climate change adaptation in Nepal focusing specially on socio-cultural and economic aspects. However, policy, institutional and human skills, technological aspects are also playing crucial roles in climate change adaptation. The research will be carried out in the village development committee (VDC – the lowest administrative unit in Nepal) utilizing both participatory and scientific methods and models to gather information and analyze the data. The research sites will be selected based on vulnerability contexts defined by Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and local climatic context defined by district meteorological information and other socio-economic information.

Career Plan after TAOYAKA Program

I will continue to engage and contribute in research and development relating to socio-economic and environmental sectors after graduation from the TAOYAKA program. I want to develop and execute the curriculum on indigenous peoples’ socio-cultural and ecological knowledge in line with scientific knowledge. I will explore the possibilities with like-minded professional people, research institutions and universities.


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