2017.02.10 EVENT

(Feb. 17-PM) The 99th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 99th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 99th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held with the HISENS Interdisciplinary Seminar as follows. 

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the seminar. 

Date: Friday, February 17, 2017 
■ Time: 16:00 – 17:30
■ Venue: Room 204, IDEC

Title: Is the idea of the thing in the thing itself?: The ethics of technology transfer and “onsite reverse innovation”

Speaker: Dr. Andrew Oberg, Assistant Professor, University of Kochi


■ Registration: Not required
■ Contact: TAOYAKA program office
                      Tel: 082-424-4697
                      Email: taoyaka-program★office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please  replace ★ with @)

99th Taoyaka program semiar PDF

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