Enrollments in October 2019

Enrollments in October 2019

Name 1. Affiliation 2. Nationality 3. Research 4. Introduction
Technical Creation Course
Ramasamy Priyanka
  1. Graduate School of Engineering
  2. India
  3. Human Modelling and Biomedical Applications
  4. I am Priyanka Ramasamy from India. My research interest is to develop a human assistive device for all group of people in any of the fields like sports, biomedical augmentation, etc.
    I have chosen Electronics and Communication Engineering in my bachelors with an urge to delve into challenging field. During my under-graduation program I learned the various fundamentals of Electronics and Communication which together with practical course work reinforce interest. After graduation, I continued my carrier in multinational companies for nearly three years. At my work environment, I got an opportunity to understand the various skills that each people possess and everyone intends to build fine leadership quality.
    My native place is a small village, which requires more facilities and technologies to make the lives of people a better and comfortable one. Through Taoyaka Program, I would like to achieve my goals like becoming a good leader and will support the growth and develop the life of people in disadvantage areas.
Social Implementation Course


Shimooka Yuki

  1. Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
  2. Japan
  3. Research Field : Disaster prevention
  4. Introduction : I’m Yuki Shimooka from Japan. Before this, I was a student of the Institute of Technology, Kure College. I specialize in disaster prevention for sediment related to disasters. I have been continuing the research about disaster prevention for 3 years. However problems in disaster prevention are still here. I would like to solve them and make the world free from victims of natural disasters. Therefore, it is necessary to increase my knowledge and experience. That is why I chose the TAOYAKA program. I am really excited to learn anything from now on.


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