Ohnishi Yoshinori

Ohnishi Yoshinori
Department: Graduate School of Engineering, Program in System Cybernetics
Course: Technical Creation Course
Research Field: Drone, Robot arm, Dynamics and Control
Supervisor: Associate Professor Takaki Takeshi

Career and Academic Background before TAOYAKA Program

I entered faculty of engineering, Hiroshima University in 2012. I basically learned system, control, electricity, logic circuit, programing and dynamics when I was a under graduating student. Particularly I am good at dynamics. I belong to Robotics Laboratory at Hiroshima University and study the field of drone. In my graduated study, I designed a robot arm to be equipped with drone. I graduated faculty of engineering, Hiroshima University in 2016.

Research Plan in TAOYAKA Program

My current research field is robotics (key words : Drone, Robot, Design, Control, Dynamics, Kinematics and Statics). Currently, I develop a robot arm for Drone to pick up something from air. It have very light weight and low reaction. This research requires study of dynamics and controls. My goal is to pick up something by using drone equipped with robot arm. If it is achieved, we can get something to need at high or dangerous places. Through TAOYAKA program, I want to learn engineering skills, multiple viewpoints and problem solving skills.

Career Plan after TAOYAKA Program

I would like to work as a global engineer. I hope to join a project to construct infrastructure, develop technology for disadvantage area and lead planning it. I want to enrich the human race using technology. I believe TAOYAKA program should make me strong at wide range of fields and I can break the high walls. Therefore, I will probably succeed.

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