2017.03.08 EVENT

(Mar. 14) The 103rd TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 103rd TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 103rd TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held with the 359th IDEC seminar on  Tuesday, March 14. 

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the seminar. 

Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 
■ Time: 16:00 – 17:30
■ Venue: Large Conference Room, 1F  Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University

Title: Devotion and Development: Religiosity, Education and Economic Progress in 19th-centuray France 

■ Speaker: Dr. Mara Squicciarini, Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Economics, Northwestern University                <http://sites.northwestern.edu/mps236/>

■ Registration: Not required
■ Contact: TAOYAKA program office
Tel: 082-424-4697
Email: taoyaka-program★office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Please  replace ★ with @)


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