
2015.12.01 EVENT

The 57th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

We have the pleasure to announce that the Taoyaka Program and the Center for Contemporary India Studies at Hiroshima University (HINDAS) will co-host the 57th Taoyaka Program Seminar as below:

Date: Saturday, December 12th, 2015
Time: 13:00-15:00 PM
Venue: 1F Large Conference Room, Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University (1-2-3, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8512)
Title: Interrogating Inclusive Growth in India: Reforms and the Regions
Speaker: Dr. Keshab Das, Gujarat Institute of Development Research, India
Registration: Contact us for registration with your name and affiliation
E-mail: hindas★


2015.11.27 NEWS

(Nov 17& 26) 55th & 56th TAOYAKA Program Seminars were held

In November, Social Implementation Course organized two Toyaka Program seminars, the 55th and 56th. Thank you for attending these seminars. We had more than 50 and 40 participants, respectively. 

The 55th Taoyaka Program Seminar
Date: Tue. Nov. 17th   12:50-18:00
Venue: Large Conference Room, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Title: Perspective on the organization of home life, workforce participation and Spatio-Temporal behaviour by women and men in Quebec, Canada
Main Speakers:

1. Dr. Martin E. H. Lee-Gosslin, Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Planning, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada; Visiting Professor, Imperial College London

2. Dr. Hélène Lee-Gosselin: Professor, Department of Management, Business School, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada; Incumbent, Chaire Claire-Bonenfant femmes-savoir-sociétés (Laval University’s Research Chair on Women, Knowledge and Society)




The 56th Taoyaka Program Seminar
Date: Thur. Nov. 26th   16:00-17:30
Venue: Large Conference Room, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Title: Frontier research in empirical economics: Gender issues in labour market of Indonesia
: Dr. Dainn Wie, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies





2015.11.25 EVENT

We are happy to announce that the 3rd TAOYAKA International Symposium will be held at Hotel Hiroshima Garden Palace on Saturday, 19 December, 2015. The theme of the symposium will be “Sustainable Development Goals and Peace: Clearance of long-term damages of the past war and conflict in Cambodia and Lao PDR”. We will invite Prof. Kenneth R. Rutherford, Director of the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery, James Madison University, who is widely recognized as a global leader in international efforts to combat the effects of landmines and unexploded ordnance and is dedicating efforts to rehabilitating post-conflict societies. We’ll also invite practitioners from governmental organizations in Cambodia and Laos and Japanese organizations that are making endless efforts for clearance of landmines and explosive remnants of war by applying advanced technologies. All those interested are invited to attend!

<The 3rd TAOYAKA Program International Symposium, Hiroshima University>

Sustainable Development Goals and Peace: Clearance of long-term damages of the past war and conflict in Cambodia and Lao PDR
Time & Date: 13:00-18:30, Saturday, 19 December 2015
Venue: Hotel Hiroshima Garden Palace
1-15-21 Hikarimachi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, 732-0052

13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks
13:05-13:10 Guest Speech
13:10-14:10 Keynote Speech
“Achievements and challenges for relief measures for victims of landmines and unexploded ordnance in the world”
Speaker: Kenneth R. Rutherford, Professor, Center for International Stabilization and Recovery, James Madison University
14:10-14:25           Break
14:25-16:45           Reports from related institutions
14:25-15:05           Reports from Laos (Lao National Unexploded Ordnance Program (UXO Lao))
15:05-15:45           Reports from Cambodia (Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC))
15:45-16:25           Support from Japan (JICA, Japan Mine Action Service)
16:25-16:45          Inputs and updates from Afghanistan (Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University)
16:45-17:00           Break
17:00-18:25           Panel Discussion
Theme: Sustainable Development Goals and Peace: Clearance of long-term damages of the past war and conflict in Cambodia and Lao PDR
18:25-18:30           Closing Remarks

Registration: Contact us for registration with your name, affiliation and contact information by 11 December, 2015
Seating capacity: 100 person (for free)
Email: taoyaka*  (replace*with@)


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2015.11.24 EVENT

Taoyaka Program will join “International Cooperation Career Fair 2015” in Tokyo on Nov 28.

We will explain about our education program, examination and students life etc.

We are looking forward to seeing and talking to future students of Taoyaka Program!!

Date: Saturday, November 28th 10:00-17:00 (We will explain our program at Meeting room 13A from 15:20-15:40)

Venue: TKP Akasaka Station Conference Center 13th floor


2015.11.19 NEWS

(Nov 21)Associate Prof. Yasuhiro Kumahara will apear on televison

Associate Prof. Yasuhiro Kumahara will apear on televison as below:

-Date: Saturday, November 21st
-Time: 7:30-8:15 PM
-Broadcasting station: NHK
-Language: Japanese

2015.10.26 EVENT

(Nov 11) 54th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held

TAOYAKA Program is pleased to announce that the 54th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held as follows
■ Title : “Wireless Sensing Technologies: Applications, Global Markets
and Prospects”
■ Date : 12:50~14:20, Wednesday November 11, 2015
■ Venue : Middle Meeting Room(A1-141), Graduate School of Engineering,
Hiroshima University
■ Lecturer: S. Paul Sumitro(President of SMARTSENSYS, USA)
■ Language: English
■ Object Persons : Students and Teachers
■ Contact:Taoyaka Program Technical Creation Office
E-mail: taoyaka-tech-sect{at} Please replace{at}with @.
TEL: 082-424-4597

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2015.10.20 EVENT

The 2nd TAOYAKA Program International Symposium

TAOYAKA Program for creating a flexible, enduring, peaceful society will hold International symposium.

The 2nd TAOYAKA Program International Symposium “Collaboration between Future Earth and the Leading Graduate Education Program of Hiroshima University in interdisciplinary research and human resource development”

Time & Date: 11:00-16:30 Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Saijyo Hakuwa Hotel, Conf. Room: Ruby 6-5-45, Shitami, Saijyo, Higashi Hiroshima, Hiroshima

Seating capacity: 70 persons (for free)

Simultaneous interpretation provided (Japanese/English)



11:00-11:05 Opening Remarks
11:05-11:10 Guest Speech
11:10-11:50 Keynote lecture – Dr. Paul Shrivastava
11:50-12:00 Q&A
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:30 Presentation from Hiroshima University and other institutions

1) 13:30-13:50 Capacity development of peace building, UNITAR Hiroshima (20 min)
2) 13:50-14:10 Introduction of Phoenix Leader Education Program, Hiroshima Univ. (20min)
3) 14:10-14:50 Introduction and student presentation of Taoyaka Program, Hiroshima Univ. (40 min)
4) 14:50-15:10 Collaboration with universities in Asia, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (20 min)
5) 15:10-15:30 Q&A (20min)

15:30-15:45 Break

15:45-16:25 Panel Discussion “Collaboration between Future Earth and the Leading Graduate Education Program of Hiroshima University in interdisciplinary research and human resource development”

16:25-16:30 Closing Remarks

About Future Earth


Contact us for registration with your name, affiliation and contact information by 2 November, 2015.

Email: taoyaka[a] (please replace [a] with @)


2015.10.09 ADMISSION

[Taoyaka Program]Admission Information Session

TAOYAKA Program for creating a flexible, enduring, peaceful society will hold information session for those who are interested in April 2016 (Second admission)/ Octoberl 2016 Admissions.

■Date and Time: October 22nd, 2015, Thursday 18:00-19:00

■Venue: Graduate School for International Development and cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University Access

The information session can be joined via Television Conference System at Hiroshima University Tokyo Office Campus innovation Center (Room#408) Access


Taoyaka program offers interdisciplinary educational opportunities to develop young global leaders who can contribute to realization of multicultural coexistence. A wide range of interdisciplinary course work on campus is intergrated with intensive on-site experience in disadvantaged areas in both developed and developing countries, with special emphasis in improving lives by deeply understanding the regional societies and cultuers, developing proper technologies and implementing these to resolve problems that disadvantaged regions confront while working closely with the regions. Students can recieve degrees by taking courses taught in English.

1-5-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8529, JAPAN
TAOYAKA Program Office, Hiroshima University
Tel: +81-(0)82-424-6152
E-mail: apply[a]
*Please replace [a] with @.


2015.10.09 EVENT

Announcement of 51st Taoyaka Program Seminar

TAOYAKA Program is pleased to invite you to participate the 51st TAOYAKA Program Seminar/ FY2015 the 6th Phoenix Leader Education Program Seminar. The seminar is to discuss the 2015 summer intensive program—Public Management, Leadership, and Politics and Public Policy program—offered by the University of Texas.

Everyone is welcome. No registration is required.
We look forward to see you at the seminar.

Date & Time: Monday, October 26, 2015 14:35-16:30

Venue: Large conference room, 1F, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University

Title: Macro-Leadership: Creating organizational future and culture

Lecturer: Dr. Luni Piya, Hiroshima University

Program: 1. 14:35-15:45: Lecture by Dr. Luni Piya
2. 15:45-16:30: Presentation and discussion by the participants of the summer intensive

Taoyaka Program Office (IDEC, Hiroshima University)
E-mail: taoyaka-program (AT) (Please replace (AT) with @)


2015.10.07 NEWS

Taoyaka Program held “Onsite Training” in Oki Island

Taoyaka Program held the Onsite Training titled “Renewable Energy Technology for Development in a Remote Area” from 17-21 August in Oki islands, Shimane pref. This program was jointly conducted with the University of Texas at Austin and other two Leading Programs, Green Asia of Kyushu University and Global Resource Management of Doshisha University. In this training, 33 students from 11 countries with diverse background made interdisciplinary teams and learned issues confronting Oki and efforts to be taken for development of RET from various perspectives and created development model. The training was successfully completed today thanks to the kind cooperation of Okinoshima municipal government, Okinoshima branch of Shimane Prof., and Chugoku Electric Power Company. Students did a good job and we enjoyed beautiful natures and delicious seafoods and felt the warmth of Oki people!

The Onsite Training appears in a local paper”Sanin Chuo Shinpo”on August 20.
Articles in Japanese (PDF)

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