2015.11.27 NEWS

(Nov 17& 26) 55th & 56th TAOYAKA Program Seminars were held

(Nov 17& 26) 55th & 56th TAOYAKA Program Seminars were held

In November, Social Implementation Course organized two Toyaka Program seminars, the 55th and 56th. Thank you for attending these seminars. We had more than 50 and 40 participants, respectively. 

The 55th Taoyaka Program Seminar
Date: Tue. Nov. 17th   12:50-18:00
Venue: Large Conference Room, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Title: Perspective on the organization of home life, workforce participation and Spatio-Temporal behaviour by women and men in Quebec, Canada
Main Speakers:

1. Dr. Martin E. H. Lee-Gosslin, Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Planning, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada; Visiting Professor, Imperial College London

2. Dr. Hélène Lee-Gosselin: Professor, Department of Management, Business School, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada; Incumbent, Chaire Claire-Bonenfant femmes-savoir-sociétés (Laval University’s Research Chair on Women, Knowledge and Society)




The 56th Taoyaka Program Seminar
Date: Thur. Nov. 26th   16:00-17:30
Venue: Large Conference Room, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
Title: Frontier research in empirical economics: Gender issues in labour market of Indonesia
: Dr. Dainn Wie, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies





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