2017.07.11 EVENT

■ Date and Time:9:00-12:05 Thursday, July 14
■ Venue:Large Conference Room, IDEC

■ Program
 9:00-10:00 Onsite Team Project Interim Report (Team3, 4)
 10:10-11:10 Onsite Team Proposal (team8, 9)
 11:20-12:05 Internship Report (3 students)


<Onsite Team Project>
Onsite Team Project is a class specially designed for Taoyaka Program. Taoyaka students with diverse backgrounds bring together their respective specialist knowledge to try to resolve multicultural coexistence issues.


2017.06.26 EVENT

[June 27, 2017 in Hiroshima] “Measuring Value of Mobility in the Age of Quality Transport (VOM Project 2017-19)” Kickoff meeting

Hiroshima University Transportation Engineering Lab. hold the new project kickoff meeting. We invite guests from both commercial and academic worlds to discuss what kind of approach are most effective for the measuring value of mobility in the age of quality transport.

We are looking forward to many people taking this opportunity to attend.

■ Time & Date : 12:50-14:20, Tuesday, June 20, 2017
■ Venue : A1-141, Middle Meeting Room of Engineering, Hiroshima University

■ Language: Japanese/ English (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.)

■ Participation fee: free

13:30          Opening

13:35          Introduction of VOM Project            Akimasa Fujiwara, Prof., Hiroshima University

14:00          Keynote Speech “Prospects for Smart Future Mobility”

                                                                       Avishai (Avi) Ceder, Prof., Technion-Israel Institute of Tech.

14:45          Keynote Speech “Measuring value of time: theory and practice”

                                                                         Hironori Kato, Prof., Univ. of Tokyo

15:30          Research Presentation “Value of travel time reliability”

                                                                        Makoto Chikaraishi, Assoc. Prof., Hiroshima University

15:50        Research Presentation “Value of driving license ownership based on unmet needs”

                                                                         Noriko Fukui, PhD candidate, Hiroshima University

16:10        Research Presentation “Towards cooperative system between tram and car”

                                                                         Hideki Fujimoto, Hiroshima Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.

16:30          Discussion

17:00          Closing


Transportation Engineering Lab., IDEC, Hiroshima University

Phone: 082-424-6921

E-mail: oku(at)*

*Please replace (at) with @

2017.06.15 EVENT

The 112th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 112th TAOYAKA program seminar will held tomorrow as follows.

■ Time & Date : 12:50-14:20, Tuesday, June 20, 2017
■ Venue : A1-141, Middle Meeting Room of Engineering, Hiroshima University
■ Theme :
   1.Design and Development of Real-Time Computer Vision and Machine Learning  based System
   2.Gesture Recognition using Kinect for Elderly Care
■ Lecturer :
   1. Dr. SINGH SANJAY, Scientist of CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, India
  2. Mr. DHIRAJ, Scientist of CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, India
■ Language: English
■ Object Persons : Students and Teachers
■ Contact: Taoyaka Program Technical Creation Office
E-mail: taoyaka-tech-sect{at} Please replace{at}with @.
TEL: 082-424-4597
2017.06.14 EVENT

The 111th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 111th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held with the 370th IDEC seminar and the 109th Study Session of Development and Cultural Change Forum.  Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the seminar.

■ Date: Tuesday,  June 20,  2017
■ Time: 14:30 – 6:00PM
■ Venue: Small Conference Room, 1F  Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University
■ Title: Coupled Human Nature Systems: Ecological Survey of Invasive Plant Species in Community Forests of Lowland Nepal
■ Speaker: Dr. Dharma Raj Dangol, Visiting Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan; Professor, Natural History Museum, Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal; and Senior Research Scientist and Chairperson, Institute for Social and Environmental Research, Nepal.
Invasive plant species cause impacts on biodiversity, socio-natural ecosystems, environmental services and human wellbeing as a whole. It is crucial to understand the invasion of these species in different community forests for effective management. Thus, an ecological survey was conducted in 21 community forests (CFs) of Chitwan National Park of lowland Nepal in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The survey mainly focused on investigation of 3 major invasive species namely Mikania micrantha, Chromolaena odorata and Lantana camara. Among these 3 species, it was found that the highest invasion of Mikania and Lantana in Narayani CFs and Chromolaena in Barandavar CFs. It was also observed that Imperata cylindrica, Ageratum houstonianum and Clerodendrum infortunatum were the three most dominant understory species. The invasion of these species is increasing rapidly over the years impacts the human and wildlife ecosystems in the CFs. Further studies on management through utilization of these species for the livelihood improvement such as biogas, fodder and forages are necessary in future.






2017.06.05 EVENT

(June.14) The 110th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the seminar.
■ Date: Wednesday, June 14th  2017
■ Time: 4:00 – 5:30PM
■ Venue: Large Conference Room, 1F  Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University
■ Title: ETS in China: from Pilots to National Market
■ Speaker:  Dr. Shaozhou Qi

Based on his academic research and practical experiences  as the chief economist of  policy design in Hubei ETS pilots and participating the policy design of the national ETS in China, Professor Qi will introduce the globle background and tendency of ETS,  compare  the consistence and conflict of the policy characteristics of the 7 ETS pilots in China, analyze the policy features of the China’s national ETS which will be the biggest carbon market in the world and launch in this second half year.








2017.05.17 EVENT

The 108th and 109th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 108th and 109th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held on Saturday, June 17, 2017  in the Large Conference Room, 1F  Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University. The seminar is a joint seminar with the Center for Contemporary India Studies at Hiroshima University (HINDAS). Detailed information is as follows. Everyone is welcome.  We look forward to seeing you at the seminar. 


The 108th TAOYAKA Program Seminar 
■ Title: Urban Growth in Himalaya: Understanding the Process and Options for Sustainable Development  (Abstract)
■ Date & Time: Saturday, June 17, 2017; 14:00 – 15:30
Speaker: Dr. Prakash C. Tiwari, Professor of Geography, Kumaun University, India

The 109th TAOYAKA Program Seminar
■ Title: Outmigration, Abandonment of Agricultural Land and Houses and Their Impact on Environment, Economy and Women in Uttarakhand Himalaya  (Abstract)
■ Date & Time:
Saturday, June 17, 2017; 15:30 – 17:00
Speaker: Dr. Bhagwati Joshi, Assistant Professor of Geography, Government Post Graduate College, India


For both seminars:

Language: English 
■ Registration:
RSVP by Thursday, June 15  with your name and affiliation 
■ Contact: TAOYAKA Program Office  Email: taoyaka-program (AT)  (Please replace (AT) with @)  /  Tel: 082-424-6698/ 4697



2017.04.12 EVENT

Call for Participants: Monitoring Tour in Mitarai, Osakishimojima

As an activity of their Team Project, three of Taoyaka students hold a monitoring tour in Mitarai, Osakishimojima, Hiroshima. The aim of this tour is to get feedback from foreign visitors based on their experience in Mitarai. The method to be used are questionnaire surveys, interviews, experiments with the high technology, volunteer-employed photography & videography.

Please join the tour if you are interested in! The details are as follows.

Dates: May 20-21, 2017


-Foreigners (max. 10 people)

-Ideally, first-time visitors to Mitarai


To discuss your tourism experience in Mitarai

Free of charge:

-Bus transportation (Hiroshima University – Mitarai)

-Accommodation (co-ed dormitory)

-Guide tour

-Kimono Wearing (ladies only)

*Participants need to pay their own meals and buy travel insurance on their own.

Meeting place:

Daigaku Kaikanmae Bus Stop, Hiroshima University

How to apply:

Please send an email to julungwangi* (please replace * with @)

Subject → Monitoring Tour

Mail body → write your name, nationality, occupation, age, phone number and residential address

Application period: until April 19, 2017


2017.04.10 EVENT

The 107th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held on, Friday, April 14.

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the seminar.
■ Date: Friday, April 14th  2017
■ Time: 14:00 – 15:30 (Changed)
■ Venue: Large Conference Room, 1F  Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University
■ Title: Future Urban Mobility and Public Transportation- Challenges and Values –
■ Speaker: Prof. Avishai (Avi) Ceder, Professor in Transportation at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and Honorary Professor at the University of Auckland


2017.03.27 EVENT

The 104th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 94th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held as below.

■Title: Transformational leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and its relevance in contemporary world
■Lecturer: Mrs. Shobhana Radhakrishna, Chief Functionary, Gandhian Forum for Ethical Corporate Governance, New Delhi
■Date/Time: 10.30-12:00, Tuesday, 25 April, 2017
■Venue: Library Hall, Central Library, Hiroshima University (1-2-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City Hiroshima, 739-8512)
■Language: Simultaneous interpretation provided (English/Japanese)

■Registration: Required. Please RSVP by Friday, April 21 with your name and contact information

■Contact: taoyaka-program (AT)  (Please replace (AT) with @)


2017.03.27 EVENT

The 105th & 106th TAOYAKA Program Seminar

The 105th and 106th TAOYAKA Program Seminar will be held on the same day, Wednesday, March 29, in the Large Conference Room, 1F  Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University.

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you at the seminar. 

The 105th TAOYAKA Program Seminar 
■ Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 
■ Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Post competition with congestion and accessibility: An interpretive review of recent research

Speaker: Dr. Yulai Wan, Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 


The 92th TAOYAKA Program Seminar 
■ Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 
■ Time: 18:00 – 19:30

Title: Evaluating the energy savings effect of a utility demand-side management program using a difference-in-difference coarsened exact matching approach

Speaker: Dr. Richard Boampong, Post-Doc Scholar, Department of Economics, Florida State University 

  105thPDF     106thPDF

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